Abhay Kumar’s …Just That Sort Of A Day is just BRILLIANT!

Posted: March 18, 2011 by moifightclub in cast & crew, cinema, Film Festival, first look, Movie Recco, movie reviews, News, short film, songs & videos, Trailer, video
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Abhay Kumar – the name sounds familiar. Little bit of searching and i realised that it’s the same Abhay whose short Udaan was in the news when Dibakar Bannerjee’s LSD released. His short was suspiciously similar to one of the stories in LSD and we wrote about it earlier here.

Abhay is ready with his new film and it’s titled Just That Sort Of A Day. Well, when i first heard the title, it felt like just that sort of a title that doesn’t say anything. No emotions attached, no nothing attached. And then i read the official synopsis…

.. Just that sort of a day is a 14 minute short film which follows seemingly random characters as they go about their day to day activities, watching the dense cloud of nothingness which surrounds their lives…

Aha, nothingness again!

And the IMDB synopsis tells you little more or just say, little more about the objects in the film…to quote…

Peeps into the lives of random characters, with their doubts, quirks and misgivings. As these characters hang in a timeless space- they gaze at the universe through letters, galaxies, parapets, and fishbowls

Finally saw the film and it was love at first sight. Quickly wanted to watch it again because it’s just BRILLIANT.

No actors, no names, random characters, all moving around in that very familiar atmosphere with those very familiar emotions. Difficult to put a finger where exactly you connect with them and start flowing with their emotions because it moves fast and jumps from one character to another. Add to that, some biutiful images and you are easily lost in that maze called life.

Made over a period of 9 months and shot on a handycam with zero budget, the film is a Must-Watch for those who have been cribbing about the death of new ideas. Without explaining much, will just say that it also works as mixed art form installation, and i was grinning from ear to ear while watching it. Pure joy!

The film premiered at the Rotterdam Film Festival, is also in competition at the IFFLA and has now been selected for the Tribeca Film Festival.Watch it, whenever you can.

Congrats Abhay. Way to go!
Click here to go to its Facebook Group.
  1. Vikas says:

    Delhi Screening?

  2. Abhay Kumar says:

    Coming soon. Please join the facebook group for constant screening updates 🙂

  3. hardik mehta says:

    congrats abhay – Tribeca should be special!!! would love to see it when u show it in Mumbai!

  4. shray gupta says:

    congratulations abhay… way to go man..!

  5. Jomy says:

    Dear Abhay
    Please let me have the contact details of Ann Abraham. Doing a story on the film awards.
    jomy thomas
    malayala manorama,delhi

  6. Amol Banpatte says:

    Congratulation Abhay, when we can see this in Pune?
    Exited to see new path paved for the institution called ‘Movies”

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